Protecting the Good Stuff from the Stupid Ideas

Over the past couple of years I’ve been following the antics of Charlie and Brigid and the utterly beautiful movement entitled: Spaces for Listening. Once upon a time they let me join in: I interfered and felt like I spoiled it. However, the experience was inspiring, the feedback uplifting – and contrary to the typical arseholes banging on about active/passive/flavoured listening – Charlie and Brigid advocate little more than giving our fabulous humanity some space!

What’s more they do it all without the need for any overwrought SMART arse goals. It’s definitely a worthwhile wander and I’m sure they’d invite you along, if you asked nicely. Ask really nicely and they may even run one for you, your friends and some random strangers who will quickly become more interesting, than your friends. They just will be more interesting if you’re a normal human and believe me, within their wonderful Spaces, we all are!

Anyway, while banging on about some other interesting thing, Charlie posted my warning about the dangers of The Rise of the SHINY. In short, how the most important things we do, the essential work, is so easily overwhelmed by the perpetual arrival of a Shiny, albeit stupid idea. It lit a fuse and caused some tweets that led to a challenge: in exchange for a Charlie style critique smacking the arse of a bloggy buttock, I offered an appropriately pert, fresh one along the lines of:

Right Space Right Time…

Lately I’ve been writing for other people, so getting a welcome nudge, made me reflect on the fact that my own ramblings have been left destitute and neglected. On reflection, writing for other people is easy. Well, at least it is for me, because I’ve an effective system for setting the parameters with the commissioner.

Those parameters act as the constraint. The boundaries within which to write creatively about the same thing that everyone else does – an obscure corner of the world that I’ve come to know intimately. The intimacy slips, slides, soups, saunters and sashays indiscriminately into the faces that happen to be nearby who, soaked in the waves of my memory, rise with the emotions of a held hand, a taught knife and a voice lost in the night. Oh that suddenly went a bit Dylan Thomas. And so it is, in a dark corner of an half tidy shit pub, where it’ll cost you a beer or two, to work out what that metaphor means!

The constraint provides the necessary pen and paper, but to feed the creativity the best commissions also trigger a little insufficiency. That which pokes the perspective, lights the spark of starvation and pumps some pressure into the mist of meaningful metaphor. And believe me, every writer needs both.

Queue Charlie, who gave me a nudge while I was sat in one of my essential spaces for listening and reflecting and watching a Labrador chase fish.


The Leaderists remain lost in the same old medieval pseudo-religious social control fantasy that they always have.

Like all the ONE BOOK ideologies based on ‘our people are better than yours’, they inevitably circle around the same old shite, having rotated most recently to spouting about heroism, again! I think it’s probably the natural reaction to the pending self-realisation that 30 years of promoting Leaderism has brought society the worst trough of butknuckles in positions of power, EVER!

Classic romantic painting, The Assassination of Caligula, by Lazzaro Baldi
The Assassination of Caligula by Lazzaro Baldi

That’s a BIG call but thank God that a belief in Leaderism comes fully fledged, with a predisposed disregard for competence. They may well have become Sisyphus, Caligula, Khan, Napoleon, Hitler or even Trump! But despite having the same underlying psychotic delusion, compelled Leaderists are incompetent and rarely rise beyond the rank of an employee. Power mad despots craving a boardroom table to bend over and the cold lick of a glass walled executive office, but nonetheless mostly hopeless, salaried and in the workplace, alongside the rest of us.

I’ve even started feeling sorry for them. Not the Leaderists themselves, but the ideologues like Humphry and Daphne who actually go around selling the psychotic delusion: that all you need to do, is be a better version of you. Suggest that you might actually try and do something useful with proven tools, techniques and an entire Project Management Office full of organisational knowhow and Humphry and Daphne fall to their knees, clutching candles and chanting.

“Please oh great guru, allow our latest prefix-leaderism wheeze, to once again, suckle at the budget of yet another HR department that has absolutely no idea, what else to do.”

Picking on their thoughts and prayers doesn’t feel fair anymore. For some reason it’s all gone a bit sad and the few old hacks still hanging around the edges of Leaderism, appear increasingly more like that creepy-looking relative, who turns up at a funeral…. and nobody talks to.

Then there’s the all new Improvementalists who are usually up for a laugh – at, not with!

Group of large Walruses displaying large Tusks

Whisper at any Quality Improvement Proselyte, with the mere scent of a full fat brew of basic 1992 Project Management on your lips, and they roll over like a dying Walrus, making all kinds of noises. Desperately vomiting all the blubber they’ve consumed from 400 slides that say the same thing as all the other Walrus collections of infantilised cartoons and car factory fantasies.

The fantasy is that the vast majority of them have anything at all to sell beyond a little bit of project management. They colour it in, change the words and type them into boxes, arranged in shapes that they market shamelessly, but nonetheless it’s just a bit of project management. And even then, not the real meat and potatoes, just some of the amuse bouche that your typical PMO does, to sort the shit from the custard.

“Look at my amazing enormous shiny teeth” belches out the dying Walrus, attracting all the attention and not an inconsiderable amount of money, “all you need is two amazing enormous shiny teeth just like me, you do, you do… there is no other waaaaay!”

Two teeth, five teeth, seven teeth, nine teeth, fourteen teeth carved into a row of little statues of Deming, it’s all the same highly cleansed, lack of grit sack of shit!

Typically when the latest shiny toothed initiative ends and the awards have been handed out (by a fellow Walrus) the blubber is rolled back into the sea. Everyone congratulates each other on their new set of amazing enormous shiny teeth, as they watch the award bobbing away desperately looking for the next place to beach up. Unfortunately, no matter how shiny, there aren’t many uses for enormous teeth unless you too are a Walrus. Meanwhile, they point blankly refuse to accept that in the real world, the big teeth are called tusks, and pretty useless ones at that.

So, as a professional Killer Whale, swimming past – with an actual degree in an actual science and decades of experience and having had e-bloody-nough of all the shiny teeth – similar to most senior clinicians, I can make a black-belted Walrus whimper uncontrollably, as I explain how their ideas are completely toothless!

Again, it seems unfair to pick on these poor buggers anymore, as yet another wave of novice, one trick Walruses roll out, onto a beach, near you.


I warned you that I like a metaphor and the Shiny blog is all about the increasing plethora of bewildered lightweights within our institutions who are attracted to simple but wrong ideas. They typically appear in one of two forms, but whether a Leaderist or an Improvementalist, a bloody good Project Management Office, is the best defence:

I know what you’re thinking: “that’s mostly about causing unnecessary delays and inventing bureaucracy to prevent change”. Well yes, after all this is defence, but a very simple and incredibly powerful tactic that’ll beat any Lightweight with an idea. If you don’t believe me, go get a coffee and take another 10 minutes to learn about the OGZ.

Top Tip

Occasionally you may be confronted with the ungodly offspring of a Leaderist and an Improvementalist in a single half-crazed, tusk-wielding attention seeker, atop their personal iceberg of delusion. In this case, it’s best to keep your prized PMO well back and seek some specialist help from a suitably satiated Killer Whale.

Satiated because like the tactics, you got to be able to take your time and have already learned how to be the opposite of a lightweight. Having swum through some deep, rich, insight and experience and knowledge and skill, the best Ocra will achieve what you need, quietly. So quietly in fact, as to effortlessly navigate around all the bureaucratic icebergs, with barely a ripple. That, is the offensive capability of a bloody good PMO!

So I’ll amend the title of this blog, slightly. Without doubt, over my 30 years, the greatest work I have ever done is: quietly protecting the good stuff from the stupid ideas.

Now there’s a space worth listening out for 😘

4 thoughts on “Protecting the Good Stuff from the Stupid Ideas

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  1. Where have you you been? I shall have to read that again before making any worthwhile comment… first time, I was laughing too hard. See you soon sweetie.


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